
Wall Cleaning for Paneled Walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL

Wall Cleaning for Paneled Walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL., can easily be made naturally and economically at home. Every few months, paneled walls should be washed and once per year, should be polished with a good lemon based polish. This type of  paneled wall cleaning in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL., will preserve and beautify your paneled walls.

For an easy paneled wall cleaning in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL., take 2 tablespoons of dish soap in a gallon bucket of water. Be sure to have a clean microfiber rag or flat mop to wash down your paneled walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL. Start from the top of the wall and work down in vertical wipes, not horizontal. Be sure to follow the grain of the wood. A little trick to keeping the cleaning solution clean, is to have a second bucket of clear, warm water next to the cleaning solution. After each wipe with the soap solution, rinse your rag out into the clear, warm water before wiping down any more paneling . This will ensure that you are not putting any dirty water back onto your paneled walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL. Dry your paneled walls off after you wipe them down. Therefore, there will not be any water spots on your paneled walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL.

If there are any Nicotine stains or smells on your paneled walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL., dip a rag into some distilled white vinegar and wash from the bottom up. This way you won’t get any streaks from the solution running down the wall. This will usually work for cleaning your paneled walls in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Deerfield, IL.

Call our 45 Year Old Housecleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243 www.dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com for the best and most thorough House Cleaning Service.


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