
The Scoop on Dishwashers in Evanston, Il 60201

 In Evanston, Il. 60201 we say that the best Dishwashers are so energy efficient and require so little water that using them is actually better for the environment than washing dishes by hand.However, some of the following items should be kept out of the dishwasher.

Never put your good kitchen knives in the machine- the dishwasher will dull the edges. Try to wash your kitchen knives as soon as you finish using them so they don't get buried in the sink where they  can accidentally  cut you.

The dishwasher will eventually crack and ruin any wood that is put into it. Wooden cutting boards, wooden handled knives, and wooden salad bowls should all be hand washed and then towel dried. If the wood begins to look dry, rub it down with a little olive oil.

Antique tableware, fine china, hand decorated china, delicate glassware, glass with metallic decoration, real silverware, pewter, and cutlery with bone, ivory, or wooden handles are all too delicate for the dishwasher.

Glass measuring cups will quickly lose their painted markings if they are washed in the dishwasher.

Cast iron and tin will rust in the dishwasher. Remove rust from tinware by rubbing it with a peeled potato dipped in baking soda or salt.

Aluminum will darken in the dishwasher. Boiling apple peels in aluminum pots will remove the discoloration from the metal.

Heat and abrasion can cause plastic to break down and release chemicals. All plastic tableware and containers, whether they are labeled "Dishwasher Safe" or not, should be washed by hand.

We, here at Dial-A-Maid Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il 60201, adhere to the notion that dishwashers are designed to wash hard, durable impermeable materials only. Soft items, such as paint brushes, air filters, dishcloths, or sponges may damage your dishwasher. 

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