
The Lowdown on Germs in Evanston, Il

What are Germs? Germ is an umbrella term for any potentially harmful microorganism, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Company in Evanston, Il. the three types of germs encountered most often in the average household are bacteria, viruses, and fungi and molds. All of these germs need to be cleaned up.

Hot zones for bacteria include the kitchen, bathroom, and nursery. Raw eggs, diary products, and the juices from raw meat, poultry, and fish can harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E. coli and Listeria, which can cause food poisoning. Fecal matter from animals and humans is another common source of bacteria that can cause infection or illness. This is why food handlers in restaurants are required to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

While viruses can cause illnesses such as chicken pox, measles, and flu, these germs can survive only a short time on surfaces and are more likely to be transmitted through the air. Fungi and molds are actually plantlike organisms that thrive in warm, moist conditions and cause ailments ranging from athlete's foot to asthma and other respiratory problems. 

A regular habit of washing your hands after using the toilet helps prevent the spread of disease. In addition, regular disinfecting of commonly used household surfaces can help keep you and your family healthy. Always disinfect kitchen countertops and cutting boards before and after preparing foods that may contain harmful bacteria. In most homes, the highest concentrations of bacteria are found on moist surfaces, such as dishcloths, sponges and cutting boards,  and on frequently touched surfaces, such as faucets.

Antibacterial products have been extremely effective in helping to prevent the spread of disease among hospital patients, but no health benefit has been proven for household use. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges prudent use of antibacterial products in the home. The concern is that overuse of these products may cause strains of bacteria to become resistant, much like the overuse and misuse of antibiotics has caused some germs to develop resistance to standard antibiotic treatment, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Company in Evanston, Il. All of the above are in the book,Cleaning Plain and Simple by Donna Smallin.

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