
Sponge Types Used For Cleaning in Evanston, Il.

A Natural Sea Sponge is harvested from the ocean floor. Each Sponge has a structure of channels that allows it to draw in a great amount of water, hold it, then release it completely when squeezed, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. Therefore, they are ideal for sopping up big spills, bailing water, and soaping windows, says Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook. Look in home or paint supply stores for the types called sheepswool or wool: they are the strongest and most absorbent. Beige ones are often sturdier than yellow. After use, wash them in hot soapy water, rinse, squeeze out, and let dry. Because it won't trap debris, a good-quality natural sponge can last a year or more.

A Polyester Sponge is made of chemically produced foam that is soft even when dry. An ordinary polyester sponge won't hold a lot of water. It functions like a natural sea sponge, but is less expensive. It is good for transferring liquid. Use for touching up paint jobs, washing the car,  and wiping down walls.

A Dry Sponge is used completely dry, making it ideal for delicate surfaces or any that would be damaged by moisture. Companies that clean up after fires use them to remove soot from walls. In the home, they can be used for whisking dust from lamp shades, gently cleaning papered walls, and wiping fabric window blinds. Store in tightly sealed plastic bags to prevent hardening. Heavily soiled sponges can be rinsed well in warm water ( let the sponge dry completely before reusing). 

Disinfecting Sponges in the microwave is a bad idea, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. Although it may kill bacteria, it can also cause a fire. Replace sponges every two weeks or use dish cloths you can launder every couple of days.

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