
Some Smart Ways to Use Bleach Cleaner, by the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Some Smart ways to use Bleach cleaner, by the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL. Bleach cleaner is a great cleaning product. Both, bleach and ammonia are useful for removing mold and mildew inside and outside your house, says the 45 Year Old Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. But, and ammonia should never, ever be used together, it can be very dangerous and harmful to your lungs.

Bleach cleaner is very beneficial in cleaning the following.

  1.   Wash mildew and mold out of washable fabrics. Wet the mildewed area and rub in some powdered detergent. Then wash the garment in the hottest water setting, using ½ cup of chlorine bleach.
  2. Remove mold and mildew from grout tiles in your bathroom. Pour equal parts of bleach and water into a spray bottle and spray the grout. Let it sit for 15 minutes. The scrub with a stiff brush and rinse off.
  3. Get mold and mildew off your shower curtains. Wash them along with a couple of towels, to prevent the plastic curtains from crinkling, in warm water with ½ cup of chlorine bleach and ¼ cup of laundry detergent. Let the washer run for a couple of minutes before loading. Put the shower curtain and towels in the dryer on the lowest setting for 10 minutes. Then, immediately hang dry, proclaims Dial-A-Maid.
  4. Rid the rubber shower mat of mildew. Soak a solution of 1/8 cup of chlorine bleach in 1 gallon water and rinse well.
  5. Sterilize second hand items, especially toys or kitchen utensils picked up at thrift shops and yard sales. Just to be safe, soak these waterproof items in a solution containing ¾ cup of bleach, a few drops of antibacterial dish liquid, and 1 gallon of water. Rinse and air dry, says the Foremost Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  6. For butcher blocks cutting boards and countertops, scrub the surface with a brush dipped in a solution of 1 teaspoon bleach, diluted with 2 quarts of water. Scrub in small circles and be careful not to saturate the wood. Wipe with a slightly damp paper towel, then dry immediately with a clean cloth, says the 45 Year Old Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid

Call Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com , or visit www. Dial-A-Maid.com, for the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

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