
Shower Cleaning and Sanitizing in Evanston, Il 60201


 In Evanston,Il,  cleaning showers is usually one of the hardest cleaning tasks to be done in a bathroom  but if you stick to a simple weekly cleaning routine, and follow a few daily preventive measures, you'll keep those three shower polluters, soap, mildew, and hard water deposits out of your bathroom and make your bathroom sparkle. 

Remove soap and shampoos. Spray shower walls, fixtures, floor, and the curtain or door thoroughly with an all purpose cleaner. Let the cleaner do the work for you. Working from top to bottom, wipe the shower walls with a nylon scrubber. Use a toothbrush or grout brush on any subborn stains or buildup. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. Shine chrome fixtures with rubbing alcohol and a dry cloth. To retard the formation of soap scum and mineral deposits, finish off by applying a coat of lemon oil furniture polish onto a cloth and rub evenly over shower walls.

Rinse the shower after each use to prevent soap film and hardwater deposits from forming. Before you dry off after a shower, dry the shower itself, the doors, and chrome fixtures with a squeegee or cotton cloth. This one minute job will save you tons of time and aggravation by preventing mildew, soap scum, and hardwater deposits. Not only will your shower look cleaner but also it will actually be cleaner since keeping it dry also prevents germ growth. Germs will begin to die after two hours on a dry surface, while a wet surface provides a greeding ground for bacteria colonies. We here at Dial-A-Maid Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. 60201 understand the necessity of keeping your shower clean and germ free.

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