
Removing Hard Water Stains from Toilets in Evanston, Il


Removing Hard Water Stains from Toilets can be done very easily with only a few cleaning items. Many areas in the Midwest especially, have hard water and there is nothing more unsightly than dark, brown or black water stains in your toilets. Below is a sure way to get rid of toilet hard water stains.

The items you will need: Plastic, protective gloves, a large empty bucket, bleach, small cup, Bar Keeper’s Friend- a super-duper powder cleaner that is available at Target, Walmart Home-Depot, Scrubbing sponges, soft sponges, an old bottle brush, and an old tooth brush.

  1. Put about 1 cup of bleach into the toilet and scrub it with a toilet brush, then flush.
  2. Take your small cup and take out the water from your toilet. Scoop it out with the small cup so you get to the stains easily. Use one of your sponges to get the rest of the water out so it is completely dry and accessible.
  3. Sprinkle Bar Keeper’s Friend Powder into the toilet.
  4. Scrub the powder into the hard water toilet stains. Use some muscle to really get all the dark, brown stains out. Use a scrubber that is scratch resistant to get to the hard water stains.
  5. Use a tooth brush to get under the rim of the toilet, and the bottle brush to get to the base of the inside of the toilet. Sponges should be a little damp, not soaking with water, so as to scrub the hard water stains out of your toilet.

           Fill some water into your bucket and dump it into the toilet and swish it around with a toilet brush. Flush.

Voila! All your Toilet Hard Water stains will be gone and you will have a super, white clean toilet, with no more hard water stains.

To get the best Toilet Hard Water Stain Removal cleaning service in Evanston, Il, call 847-869-6243.



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