
Powerful Advantages of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL.

Powerful Advantages of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL. are all around us every day. Baking Soda is the new, natural, overlooked, miracle cleaner that we all have had with us for many generations. Below are some of the few Powerful Advantages of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL.

  1. Toothpaste: we all use it and many times, we run out of it. Before buying more of your usual toothpaste, moisten some Baking Soda and water onto your toothbrush and brush. Your mouth will feel fresh and your teeth will get whiter with using this Powerful Advantage of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL. In fact, many current commercial tooth pastes have put Baking Soda in their tooth paste!
  2. In the kitchen, another Powerful Advantage of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., is cleaning your wooden cutting board. When we cut garlic or onions on our cutting boards, the wood tends to absorb the smell. After cutting your garlic and onions, simply wash with a paste of Baking Soda and water, your cutting board and the smell will miraculously disappear!
  3. At the end of a long day, for another Powerful Advantage of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., get a bucket of warm water and put two cups of Baking Soda in it, and soak your feet, while you watch T.V.  Your feet will soften and feel great.
  4. For your Trash Cans, place some Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., into each of them to completely deodorize and freshen them all up.
  5. Don’t forget your shoes. An advantage of Baking Soda in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., is to place some Baking Soda into them. Leave in overnight. In the morning, shake the Baking Soda out and they smell fresh and clean, completely deodorized.

Call our 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, at 847-869-6243, or e-mail us at dialamaidusa@gmail.com of visit us at www.Dial-A-Maid.com

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