
Outdoor Home Cleaning in Evanston, Il

Cleaning the areas outside of your main living area can be just as rewarding as indoor cleaning, says an environmental, healthy Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il.  A freshly cleaned deck or walkway can reawaken love for your home.

To Clean Moss from your Deck, pour undiluted apple cider vinegar over the Deck. Let it sit for 1 hour, then rinse it off.

To Clean most outdoor tools and to keep paint brushes fresh, mix 1 gallon water, 1 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup vinegar, 3 tablespoons alcohol. Combine the ingredients and shake it vigorously. This solution will also help loosen recent oil leaks from your car in the garage. Pour some of the solution on the oil and let it sit overnight and sweep it up in the morning.

To restore a fresh look to your siding and revitalize the look of the color, mix together 1 gallon water, 4 cups chlorine bleach, 2/3 cup trisodium phosphate, 1/2 cup borax. Scrub on with a brush and rinse off. Keep out of the reach of children and pets, and protect your hands with gloves. Throw out any unused material.

To clean outdoor tile, mix 2 cups very warm water and 4 tablespoon baking soda. Dissolve the baking soda in the warm water. Prepare the area by washing it thoroughly with a basic soap and water compound and then rinsing. Scrub the area with the baking soda and let it sit for 2-4 hours. Rinse thoroughly.

To clean more stubborn outdoor tile and plaster, mix 2 cups water with 4 tablespoons muriatic acid. Be sure to wear protective gloves, and add the acid to the water, never vice versa. Apply to the troubled area and let it sit for not more than an hour. Muriatic acid is caustic, though, so rinse thoroughly and keep away children and pets.These recipes were from Natural Cleaning for Your Home, by Casey Kellar and are promoted by an environmental, healthy Residential Housecleaning Service in Evanston, Il.  


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