
Mirror and Glass

Mirror and Glass Cleaning in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL., can be done easily with the proper solutions and tools. The best time to clean all Mirrors and Glass is when you finish the dusting and vacuuming in a room. This will ensure that the dust will not fly up and adhere to your clean glass and mirrors. Below are some quick tips for Mirror and Glass Cleaning in Evanston, IL. Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL.g

  1. Start with Distilled Water. This is the best water to use, to properly clean Mirrors and Glass in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL., due to the lack of any minerals in it. Tap water contains minerals, that can and will leave streaks.
  2. Pour 1 cup White, Distilled Vinegar, 4 cups of distilled water into a spray bottle. Mix it well.
  3. Use Microfiber cleaning rags or newspaper to wipe the solution onto your glass and mirrors. This will let you clean your Mirrors and Glass in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL., without smudging them.

4.Always spray on the rags or newspaper, never directly onto the glass or mirror. Spraying directly onto the surface, could cause the solution to run into frame crevices and eventually to cause  black marks.

  1. Use circular motions to clean Mirrors and Glass in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL, Glenview, IL.
  2. Wipe the solutions off immediately, without letting it dry onto the glass. Again, use fresh microfiber cloths or newspaper for proper Mirror and Glass Cleaning in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL.
  3. If there are any wooden ledges under your Mirrors or Glass Surfaces, place terry cloths on the bottom before starting to wash, so as not to have any warping of your wood.

To get the best Mirror and Glass Cleaning in Evanston, IL., Wilmette, IL., Winnetka, IL., Glenview, IL., call our 45 Year Old Northshore House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243.