
Household Items we often forget to clean in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.

Household Items we often forget to clean, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. We all tend to overlook a few of our everyday, cleaning items. This can lead to our spreading germs and sickness to everyone, through out the house, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. Below we have listed a few items that should be routinely washed and cleaned through out the week.

  1. Our Mop Head, should be always washed and sanitized each time, after washing our kitchen floor, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. If you have a string, microfiber mop head or a flat microfiber mop head, upon using it, put it into the washing machine to sanitize and clean it.
  2. Our sponges should be rinsed with soap and water, after each use, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. At the end of the day, put it on the top rack of your dishwasher to sanitize it and to get all the day’s bacteria out of it. When it starts to look nasty, replace it.
  3. Oven Mitts is another household item that we often forget to clean, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. Throw them into the washing machine every month or so, to get all the dried food, stains, and odors out of them. They need to be sanitized routinely.
  4.  Our dish towels should be cleaned often, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. Have enough towels on hand that you can wash and sanitize them at the end of each day or two.
  5. Our stove tops should also be cleaned and scrubbed each time after we use them, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL., especially flat surface stove tops. All the bacteria and germs will be removed.


Call our 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, e-mail us dialamaid@dialamaidusa or visit us at www.Dial-A-Maid.com, to get the most thorough and best House Cleaning Service on the Northshore and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago.

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