
Holiday Silver Polishing in Evanston, Il 60201

Acids from our hands, sulfur from foods such as eggs, sunlight, smoke from the fireplace, all contribute to dulling silver's sheen.But keeping tarnish away isn't really so difficult. Regular use is one of the best solutions. When a good polishing is called for, just follow these simple steps. Although silver is sturdy, it scratches easily and is worn away a little with every polishing.

* Work in a well-lighted area on a sturdy surface. To prevent scratches and dents, pad your work area with an old towel.

* Wear while, cotton gloves to prevent transferring  the oils and acids from your skin to the silver.

* Before applying polish, look for a previous, polishing pattern. This is usually circular on hollowware and length-wise in flatware. Polish in that pattern with a light touch. 

* Start with a polish-imbued cloth or liquid polish designed specifically for silver. If this does not work, use a silver paste or silver cream.We, here at Dial-A-Maid in Evanston, Il use Wright's silver polish and/or cream. It is one of the oldest and best of the silver polishes and it preserves and protects your silver pieces for an extended period of time/  Apply with a 100 percent cotton flannel cloth. Use a cuticle stick wrapped in cotton on monograms and ornate designs. Don't worry about removing every bit of tarnish in the crevices of an intricate, ornate pattern, the darkness is what allows the pattern to really stand out. Don't use acid baths or silver dips. They are both way too harsh.

* Rinse the finished piece, cleaning under cool water, when finished. Make sure to remove all the polishing compound, then dry with a soft cotton cloth.Silver looks magnificent when polished and taken care of correctly. It makes a holiday gathering something very elegant and special. Dial-A-Maid in Evanston, Il. 60201 can bring your silver back to life!




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$ 10. off Holiday Silver Polishing