
Handy and Efficient Expert Cleaning Tips and Procedures in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.

Handy and Efficient Expert Cleaning Tips and Procedures in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. In order to clean your house better and more efficiently, we have developed a few expert cleaning tips and procedures that can be followed, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. These tips are easy and will make your house cleaner, in Evanston, IL. Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.

Always start with the mildest and most gentle products, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.  Most of the time, these products are also environmentally friendly, safe, and clean very well. Baking Soda, and white, distilled Vinegar are great examples. Usually these two products can clean most any surface in the house, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. However, if you have an exceeding dirty appliance, or surface, you might have to use a store bought solution to take care of it, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. So, just assess the dirt situation on what you are going to clean, before you begin.


After cleaning an area, such as your kitchen counter top, always crutch down to eye level and look onto it’s surface, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. A counter can look clean when you are standing and looking down, but if you crutch down and look at it from eye level, you can get a much better view. Maybe you left some crumbs behind, under the toaster or microwave, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.


Always clean in an “S” pattern, on whatever surface you are cleaning, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. This will attract and catch all the grime and dirt on your cleaning cloth. If you clean in circles, you just clean and then put the dirt back onto the surface you just cleaned, in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL.

Call our 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, e-mail us at dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com, or visit us at Dial-A-Maid.com

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