
Exterminating Ants in the house by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Exterminating Ants in the house by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL. Ants, both large black ones, and small, tiny ones, can and do come into the house, no matter how clean the house may be. Some Natural solutions for exterminating ants in the house, are listed below, by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. Some work better than others, depending on the type of ants that have invaded your home. A little trial and error works wonders for finding the best solution for your particular situation, says the most prominent Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

  1. Lemon Juice sprayed at the point of entrance, is very effective. Window sills, entry doors, floor boards, all need to be sprayed generously. The lemon juice kills their sense of smell and will thereafter, disappear. Just be careful not to spray any granite, or stone kitchen counter tops with the lemon juice. This is very acidic and can etch the stone surfaces, says the most prominent Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  2. Ground Cinnamon is another big deterrent for ants. Anything Cinnamon will work. Cinnamon Oil, or ground Cinnamon, or even Cinnamon mixed with cloves. Again, this spice blocks their sense of smell and consequently, cannot follow any food trails. Sprinkle around the entry points of the house. It might take a week or two, but you will get rid of your ant problem.
  3. Peppermint Oil is another great solution for ants. Spread it on all window sills, corners, door entry’s, baseboards, anywhere you see where they are coming in and tend to congregate, says the 45 Year Old Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  4. Borax, water, and sugar is also great. But, borax should not be used on kitchen, food surfaces, as it is caustic and can accidentally be ingested, especially by children and pets. Therefore, it is better to spray this solution only on the outside and perimeter of the house, says the most respected Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  5. Boiling Water and dish soap also works wonders for exterminating ants in and around the house. Boiling water can also be used on the ant hills that are outside the house. The ant hills will be exterminated with this method. Also, spraying inside the house with this is fine, even around food sources, as it is non-toxic, says the spectacular Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Following these Natural Methods to exterminate ants in and around the house, will get rid of them without using any caustic chemicals, says the most thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Call Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com, or visit www. Dial-A-Maid.com, for the Best and most thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., servicing the whole North Shore and North West Suburbs of Chicago, IL.

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