
Eliminating Germs in the Kitchen by the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Eliminating Germs in the kitchen by the best and Most Thorough Residential House cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. When you are baking and spill some batter with raw egg on it and don’t wipe it up well or right away and then make a sandwich on the same spot, could lead to salmonella poisoning, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. To remove the germs, use a disinfecting wipe or spray after any cooking prep. This will kill bacteria. Sponges, and cloth towels are the most frequently contaminated items in the kitchen. Many people use a contaminated towel, washing their hands, and then contaminate themselves all over again. One of the best ways to prevent cross contamination in the kitchen, is to use paper towels, says the 45 Year Old Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Anything that comes in contact with raw meat can become contaminated. That includes the cellphone or tablet you use to follow a recipe or answer a call while preparing food. Don’t use it totally or cover the device with plastic and wipe it with alcohol when finished.

During food prep, bacteria in food can spread to other surfaces and cause illness, like the sink faucet, the refrigerator, oven or microwave handle, etc. common bacteria found in the kitchen include e-coli, salmonella, hepatitis A, campylobacteria, norovirus and shigella, according to the Cleveland health clinic, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Cooking utensils like tongs or long forks, should be washed immediately after using them for raw poultry or meat on the grill.

Hands should be washed quite frequently to reduce bacterial contamination. When preparing food, wash hands  beforehand and frequently throughout food prep and afterwards. Each time you handle raw meat, wash your hands. Use a paper towel to dry them and don’t reuse it. Throw it away immediately afterwards, says the Most thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Call Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com, or visit www. Dial-A-Maid.com, for the best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

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