
DYI House Cleaning Solutions in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL. Northbrook, IL.

Making your own Cleaning Solutions in Evanston, IL., Glenview, IL., Northbrook, IL. Instead of purchasing pricey cleaning solutions and products in your supermarket or home goods store, try these DYI recipes to make your own, natural and non-chemical cleaning solutions, says Dial-A-Maid House Cleaning Service, in Evanston, IL. These solutions will clean just as well as store bought solutions and can be made fresh, when you need them. Below are 4 of these DIY Cleaning recipes.

  1. Lots of kitchen Counter tops are currently made with expensive Natural Stone. Granite, Quartz, or Marble Stone Cleaners are pricey, so if you follow this recipe, you can whip up your own Natural Stone Cleaner that will retain your Natural Stone Counter Top’s shine and finish, clean them, and will not damage the Stone. Dial-A-Maid House Cleaning Service, in Evanston, IL., suggests, placing one part Rubbing Alcohol, three parts water, a couple of drops of dishwashing soap, and about 10 essential oils into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well and Spray. Use it as needed and your Natural Stone will be clean and shiny, says Dial-A-Maid, a 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, in Evanston, IL.
  2. To make your sheets smell and feel pleasant, spray the following DYI linen spray on your bedroom sheets. Place one cup distilled water, one cup of cheap Vodka, 30 to 40 drops of colorless, safe essential oil into a spray bottle. Shake it up and use the mist part of your atomizer  sprayer, and mist it onto your comforter, sheets, pillows and let it dry. The mist will evaporate and the smell will remain, allowing you a very pleasant sleep, says Dial-A-Maid House Cleaning Service, in Evanston, IL.
  3. Computers and Cells phones, and TV screens need a special DYI cleaning solution. Make sure you use a microfiber cloth, made specifically for glass and computer screens. They are sold in any home goods store, Dial-A-Maid House Cleaning Service recommends in Evanston, IL. Combine one part distilled water- this water has no minerals so it will clean better than tap water, and one part Rubbing Alcohol together. Lightly spray your microfiber cloth on one side, clean the screen and then dry it with the other side of your microfiber cloth. Your computer, cell, or TV screen will be shiny and clean, says Dial-A-Maid, a premier Cleaning Service Company on the Northshore of Chicago.
  4. To make your own bathroom scrub crème, put equal parts Baking Soda and dishwashing soap in a jar, add a few drops of essential oil for a great smell, and a few drops of water. Mix it well and put some onto a soft sponge and apply it to your sink or bathtub. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, then use the scrubby side of your sponge and scrub your tub and sink clean. Dial-A-Maid House Cleaning Service in Evanston, IL., advocates this bathroom scrub for any ceramic or porcelain fixture. It works quickly and easier to get rid of soap scum, dried shampoos, and bacteria.

Call our 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, e-mail us at dialamaid@dialamaidusa or visit us at www.Dial-A-Maid.com, for the most thorough and comprehensive Cleaning Service on the Northshore and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago.    

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