
Clean Freezers in Glencoe, Il

Freezer Burn refers to the rough, dry, often discolored patches that sometimes appear on the surface of frozen foods, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Company servicing Glencoe, Il.  It affects both flavor and texture but does not make the food unsafe to eat. Freezer burn occurs when the dry air in the freezer causes the moisture in the food to evaporate, leaving it dehydrated. To prevent freezer burn, do your best to keep the food from coming into contact with the drying air. Always wrap food tightly, eliminating as much air as you can. Wrap food once in plastic or foil, then again in a heavy-duty freezer bag: note the contents and date with a felt-tip pen.

Daily: As with the refrigerator, everything you put into the freezer should be immaculate- wipe drips and smudges off ice cream cartons and plastic storage containers.

Monthly: Check packaged foods for expiration dates and throw our anything that's past its prime.

Annually: Turn off the power at the circuit breaker or fuse box; put food in a cooler. Remove shelves or bins to bring them to room temperature so there's no danger of them cracking when you wash them. Once they're at room temperature, soak them in a solution of 2 tablespoons baking soda for every quart warm water. Do not wash them in the dishwasher. Dry thoroughly before replacing them. Wipe down the interior with a solution of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 quart hot water. Rinse with a damp cloth, then dry with a clean towel. Do not use soap or detergent to clean the freezer: they can leave behind fragrance, which will be absorbed by food. Do not use abrasive cleansers, ammonia, or bleach on any part of the freezer. These can scratch, crack, or discolor surfaces. All of the above is in Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook and followed by a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Company servicing Glencoe, Il.  

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