
Baking Soda Cleaning Wonders in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL.

Baking Soda Cleaning Wonders in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL. We all have Baking Soda in our kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately, most of us just assume it is used primarily for baking and deodorizing the refrigerator. However, Baking Soda has many additional uses for our households. Below are a few of the many Baking Soda Cleaning Wonders in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL.

  1. Whenever we shampoo our hair, a Baking Soda Cleaning Wonder in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., is to get a clean, glass jar and fill it with a cup of warm water and one cup of Baking Soda. Place your hairbrushes and combs into the jar while you are shampooing your hair. Leave them in the jar for about ½ hour. Take them out and rinse them under cool, running water and your hairbrushes will be clean and fresh.
  2. Another Baking Soda Cleaning Wonder in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., is to clean your stove top with Baking Soda. Take a bucket of warm water and put in one to two cups Baking soda. Mix it well. Wet thoroughly a microfiber cleaning cloth and dip it into the Baking Soda solution. Wipe down your stainless steel or ceramic stove top. If your stove is very dirty, sprinkle some Baking Soda directly onto it and then use a sponge, dipped into the Baking Soda solution in your bucket, and scrub away. There will be no scratches and your stove will be immaculate.
  3. An additional Baking Soda Cleaning Wonder in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., is for cleaning your pots and pans. Fill your sink up with hot water and place one-two cups Baking Soda into it and swish it around. Place your pots and pans into your sink and let them soak for at least ½ an hour. Then, use a scrubbing sponge to scrub abound the edges and inside of your pots and pans. Your cookware will be naturally clean.

Baking Soda Cleaning Wonders in Evanston, IL., Northbrook, IL., Glenview, IL., can easily and quickly done.

Call our 45 Year Old House Cleaning Service, Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, or e-mail, dialamaidusa@gmail.com, or visit our website at www.dial-a-maid.com for the best and most thorough House Cleaning Service.

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