
Ammonia's Powerful Cleaning Attributes by the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning Service in Evanston, IL.

Ammonia is 2nd to bleach, but it’s one of the most powerful cleaning products there is. Ammonia is a colorless, pungent gas. It is easily soluble in water and the liquid ammonia products sold today contain the gas dissolved in water, espouses the Premier Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. Ammonia is one of the oldest cleaning compounds. It dates back to ancient Egypt. The word Ammonia is derived from the Egyptian deity Ammon, whose temple is in what is now Libya. The earliest form of Ammonia, sal ammoniac, was created from camel dung, says the Foremost Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Here are some of the innovative ways to use Ammonia in the house, according to Reader’s Digest, Canada.

  1. Clean an electric oven effortlessly. First, turn the oven on , let it warm to 150 degrees F., then turn it off. Place a small, oven-safe bowl with ½ cup of Ammonia on the top shelf and a large pan of boiling water on the bottom shelf. Close the oven door, and let it sit overnight. The next morning, remove the dish and pan and let the oven air out awhile. Then, wipe it clean, using a cloth dipped in a solution of a few drops of dishwashing liquid, some Ammonia, and a quart of warm water. The old baked on grease should wipe right off. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area and avoid inhaling the vapors. Wear rubber gloves also, says the 45 Year Old Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  2. Get rid of soap scum and grease buildup in porcelain, enamel sinks and tubs by scrubbing with 1 tablespoon of Ammonia in 1 gallon of hot water. Rinse thoroughly when done, says the Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.
  3. Sparkle bathroom tiles and kill mildew by sponging tiled floors, backsplashes and shower doors with ¼ cup Ammonia in 1 gallon water.
  4. Kitchen moths can be repelled by washing cupboards, drawers and pantry shelves with ½ cup of Ammonia, diluted in 1 quart of water, says the Best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid.

Call Dial-A-Maid, 847-869-6243, dialamaid@dialamaidusa.com, or visit www. Dial-A-Maid.com, for the Best and Most Thorough Residential House Cleaning Service in Evanston, IL.

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